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Sunday, January 25 Sunday, January 25, 2009

[DBSK] 090121 FM Yokohama - Himitsu Series - Jaejoong (ENG SUBS)

TVXQ: We are TVXQ. Moo~ (imitates a cow). "This year, we will work hard too" series.
JJ: Hello everyone, I am THSK's Jaejoong. Please enjoy your new single, "Bolero".
DJ: THSK's secret, Jaejoong.
JJ: Please guide me along.
DJ: How are you?
JJ: I'm great.
DJ: Why are you laughing?
JJ: I'm great.
DJ: That's good.
JJ: Now I feel really...
DJ: What?
JJ: My heart's beating really fast
DJ: Really?
JJ: Yes
DJ: Why?
JJ: I've participated in this radio programme before. And I received the lowest score.
DJ: Lowest
[Both fall over/ get cramps from laughing]
DJ: Is that so?
JJ: I just gave up (in a really cute voice)
DJ: You gave up?
JJ: Honestly, my score is really low...
DJ: No, I think you won't get it wrong this time.

JJ: Really?
DJ: Because its the "Nice Guy" test
JJ: Its rated according to what you've gained and lost, right?
DJ: Of course. Last year's top 3. Last year was a very good year for THSK, so what are the top 3 events in your opinion?
JJ: Top 3?
DJ: The 3 most important events
JJ: The 3 most important events... anything will be fine?
DJ: Anything will be fine.
JJ: It'd still be the arena tour
DJ: En... arena tour, okay, got it.
JJ: Arena tour. Second would be getting the Daesung award.
DJ: I see...
JJ: Yeah. In Korea.
DJ: Ah, in Korea.
JJ: Then the first would be... ah, its really hard to choose, the good things were...
DJ: Too many good things happened, how do you choose?
JJ: That's right. En... receiving the love of fans from all over Asia, outside of Japan and Korea.
DJ: So it's like that.
JJ: We became one.
DJ: Hope to see fans from all over the world.
JJ: I felt really contented, having participated in many meaningful activities.

DJ: You've done really well last year, its really great. Please talk about what you want to challenge and achieve in the new year.
JJ: Alright.
DJ: Please give us a promise, what would that be?
JJ: I would really want to do this, even if I'm really busy. Learn how to cook new dishes in a culinary school called "[DJ's name] Culinary School".
DJ: Is that so...
JJ: I would like to learn how to cook other dishes, because I'm only good at making Korean food.
DJ: What Japanese dishes do you know how to cook?
JJ: Ah... actually I've never cooked Japanese food before.
DJ: I see...
JJ: I really want to learn how to cook some simple Japanese dishes quickly.
DJ: Please do your best if you have time and would like to improve your culinary skills.
JJ: Yes.
DJ: The later parts... please continue even if you feel nervous.
JJ: En... (laughs cutely)
DJ: Secret series, "Good Guy" test. You're the 3rd member to do it. Junsu and Yoochun were really shy. It felt like they were embarassed.
JJ: Me too.

DJ: Is that so?
JJ: Yes.
DJ: I see... are you alright then?
JJ: Yes, I'm alright.
DJ: Here we go! On a date, you were staring, mesmerised by a beautiful girl walking past you...
JJ: Err...
DJ: You were on a date, yet you commented that another girl was "Oh... so cute". Your girlfriend looks very unhappy. What would be the one thing you'd say now?
JJ: What would I say... ah...
DJ: What
JJ: This is embarrassing. In this situation, I'd say, "You're a hundred times cuter than her".
DJ: Sorry, now I'm embarrassed.
JJ: I think I might say that.
DJ: That's too forced/fake.
JJ: I can't help it if I really do see it...
DJ: En, alright, alright. Your girlfriend finally picks up her phone after you called her 10 times. You, Jaejoong, called her 10 times and she finally picks up the phone.
JJ: En.
DJ: You would probably be a little angry.
JJ: Yes.
DJ: What is the first thing you would say to your girlfriend?
JJ: Keke, uh, do I tell the truth?
DJ: En, you don't really have to bother much about the score.
JJ: Ah, I don't, I've already given up on that. (laughs) Honestly, I'm always doing that.
DJ: (laughs) You're always doing that!
JJ: I do that very often myself, yet when others do that...
DJ: That means you often do that yourself, so you tend to forgive. Last week, Yoochun found the next question very difficult to answer. Your girlfriend found your ex-girlfriend's handkerchief in your room, and asked, "What is this?" How would you respond, what would you say?
JJ: My ex-girlfriend's handkerchief.
DJ: Haha... that's true, but wouldn't your girlfriend be unhappy about that?
JJ: Yeah, but I wouldn't be thinking about my ex-girlfriend anymore, neither would I care about her anymore. You're the only one I like now, so there's no need to be affected by this!
DJ: That's true...
JJ: I don't care (about my ex-girlfriend) anymore!

DJ: It's really hard to fathom a man's heart at times. So, when confessing to a girl, what would be a romatic line you would say?
JJ: Okay. En... (hesitates embarrassedly and smiles) will you go out with me? (smiles)
DJ: Next? Say something romantic! Is that all?
JJ: Well... you... can't leave me, ah, I really want to see you now, I can't concentrate on anything anymore
DJ: Haha
JJ: Keke, I really can't do this!
DJ: You seem fine... but you wouldn't really be able to do it, would you? You wouldn't be able to say it, right?
JJ: Keke
DJ: Before we end, it'll be Jaejoong's birthday soon, right?
JJ: Yes, that's right.
DJ: I'd forgotten, but Jaejoong told me that MY birthday was coming.
JJ: Ay? Why, didnt you ask the other members? [T/N: This part doesnt really make sense to me...]
DJ: I cant help it, its my job.
JJ: Ah? Me? Keke, its me.
DJ: Happy birthday!!!
JJ: Thank you.
DJ: Why am I so nice?

JJ: Ah, thank you. Its (the cake) really cute.
JJ+DJ : Birthday Song "Happy birthday to me..." (DJ sings "happy birthday to me" as well)
JJ: I'm really happy
DJ: I hope everything goes well for you this year!
JJ: Yes, thank you, I will do my best, please support me!
DJ: Here's a cute heart-shaped cake for you! Now we'll announce the results.
JJ: You're going to announce the score now?
DJ: Yes; there are no hints given this time, and everyone participated really seriously, with a sense of humour. Everyone was really focused. Though we can't help it, there really are a lot of nice and romatic lines that nobody will utter.
JJ: Really, I don't look forward to the score.
DJ: 98 points
JJ: Aye? Why is the score so high?
DJ: Because you uttered such romantic lines without looking embarrassed/ being shy.
JJ: Aye~~
DJ: 98 points
JJ: Thank you very much
DJ: We have rated the answers from a girl's perspective; that was the criteria. Lastly, let's listen to a song.
JJ: Alright, keke. Its a song about love.
DJ: It's not a song about love.
JJ: Its a song about love, please listen to "Wasurenaide".
DJ: Wasurenaide.

This is really funny, lol. He Everyone keeps getting embarrassed. xD

Take out with full credits.
Source: Baidu
Translation by: Banana-chan@xietinloveshero
Shared by: fangirlmitz


// sealed with a kiss :)

All About Me

My name is FVP
i wont tell you bout my real name.
You can call me Xiao Wen or Wen Wen as my Chinese Name
And my korean name is Yoon Ae Ri
I was born at Jakarta, Indonesia on February 12, 1993
I was an ordinary girl that love something that so unordinary
I loves music so much, coz music means a lot for my life. I can't survive without music
I loves TVXQ so much ,,so sensitive when im hear something that -TVXQ-
I loves SUJU, SHINEe, Wonder Girls,Cassiopeia , Kingdom Heart and you :D

Try your best to reach out your dreams
It will be comes true


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