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Saturday, January 3 Saturday, January 03, 2009

The sweetest thing in the world .. is seeing your single smile

today at 8 o'clock, i wake up..still feel sleepy. but what must i do then? because today i go to the church earlier at 10 o'clok . and the 1st that i do today is.. open my eyes ( offcrse lha! ) haha, i mean i opened the window..feel the sun's shine that warm my heart, and i see my little doggie again.. named,Ponggo. ahaha, i got o9, and go to the forum. write a birthday messge for KIM JAE JOONG ( TVXQ ) . i know thats too earlier.. but nothing happen with that.. see
his pic this morning.. give a spirit ( to obsessed ==a'. ahah ) for me.. exP, LOVE !!

You know what ? tomorrow i have go to school again lol. ouh...,, i dun want it . hope i can run away. ahaha..XD

seems to be closer with my dream with your dorky love, TVXQ

okeii i know.. im too obsessed with them.. but, nothing to do with that.. ( go TVXQ !! )

i think enough for this time. i will continue later .. after i go to the church lol.

have a nice day..

Thanks for always giving me inspiration from your warm love, deep hug, deep emotions
keep doin' and listening to your heart ..
do the best , forever love my crazy love.....


// sealed with a kiss :)

All About Me

My name is FVP
i wont tell you bout my real name.
You can call me Xiao Wen or Wen Wen as my Chinese Name
And my korean name is Yoon Ae Ri
I was born at Jakarta, Indonesia on February 12, 1993
I was an ordinary girl that love something that so unordinary
I loves music so much, coz music means a lot for my life. I can't survive without music
I loves TVXQ so much ,,so sensitive when im hear something that -TVXQ-
I loves SUJU, SHINEe, Wonder Girls,Cassiopeia , Kingdom Heart and you :D

Try your best to reach out your dreams
It will be comes true


January 2009