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Thursday, January 22 Thursday, January 22, 2009

[TRANS] What's In Feb 09 - 50 Questions


The Japanese show Hey x 3 (Hey Hey Hey) had one of it's highest ratings the last time TVXQ / DBSK was on the show. The preview for the January 26th episode of Hey x 3 was show on January 19th and TVXQ will be the main guests.

The preview showed girly man doing what he does best and that's putting a sausage in his mouth. Very natural for him with 4 other boys around. I watched the show once before and it was pretty funny but it didn't have enough hot japanese girls, so I never watched it again. I'm sure you Cassiopeia and Big East (ACC is better) can't wait to watch it though.

video credit: joongiefiedportia33

Interview with What's In February'09

1. What did you dream of yesterday?
YH: I can’t remember
CM: Didn’t dream
JJ: Can’t remember
YC: I didn’t dream
JS: I didn’t dream

2. What’s the first thing you see in the morning?
YH: Hand phone
CM: Manager’s face
JJ: Manager’s smiling face
YC: Hand phone
JS: Manager’s face

3. What do you feel like doing most right now?
YH: Snowboarding
CM: Travelling
JJ: Jogging
YC: Fishing
JS: Travel

4. What’s your hand phone ringtone?
YH: Hand phone ringtone (T/N: Think he means default ringtone)
CM: Vibration mode
JJ: [Mirotic]
YC: It’s usually on silent mode
JS: [Don’t Say Goodbye]

5. What do you do when you’re alone?
YH: Drive
CM: Read books
JJ: Sleep
YC: Roll around at home
JS: Drive

6. If you had a week’s holiday, what would you do?
YH: Ski resort
CM: Travel
JJ: Travel alone
YC: Snowboard
JS: Travel

7. What’s the pride of your room?
YH: Prizes we received
CM: It’s wide
JJ: Sofa
YC: Pecha (T/N: No idea what that is either.)
JS: The big window where the morning sunlight comes in from

8. What do you do to cheer yourself out when you’re sad?
YH: Dance, exercise
CM: Drive
JJ: Talk a walk
YC: Drink and talk to my brother
JS: Drive

9. What was your scariest experience so far?
YH: When I fell from the rooftop in my church
CM: When I saw a ghost (T/N: The Junsu? Or the bird? He mentioned it here)
JJ: When I injured my leg during a dance rehearsal
YC: When I first came to Japan
JS: When I heard Changmin sleep talk

10. The last time you cried?
YH: Award ceremony
CM: During a Korean award ceremony
JJ: None
YC: Not really *What do you mean not really? The 5th anniversary fanmeeting? ^.^
JS: A little during a Korean award ceremony

11. When did you feel that you’re really blessed/happy?
YH: When I’m singing on stage
CM: When I’m singing on stage
JJ: Award ceremony
YC: When I stand on stage
JS: When I lie on my bed after a day’s schedule

12. What’s your ideal type?
YH: Someone who’ll only believe in me, an optimistic person
CM: Someone who’s mature, with deep thoughts
JJ: A woman with pretty hands
YC: A gentle woman
JS: A bright/cheerful woman

13. Something a female does that makes your heart beat faster?
YH: When she brushes off the dirt/lint on my clothes
CM: When she places her hands on her chest when bowing
JJ: Nothing special, just when I feel she’s feminine
YC: When she’s washing clothes
JS: When she places her hands on her chest when bowing

14. What will you give to your girlfriend?
YH: I’ll write a song for her
CM: A bouquet
JJ: I’ll write a song for her
YC: Myself *Aww... he's such a casanova
JS: Necklace

15. What do you want for your next birthday?
YH: Shoes
CM: Car
JJ: Car
YC: Time to spend it with the people I treasure *he really gives deep answers, doesn't he?
JS: Holiday

16. If you found a million yen?
YH: Give it to the people in need
CM: Give it to the police
JJ: Give it to the police
YC: Save *He's the only selfish one!
JS: Give it to the police

17. If you were reborn as a girl tomorrow?
YH: Cry my heart out
CM: I want to go to an onsen
JJ: I want to buy clothes!
YC: I want to go to an onsen (T/N: hot spring)
JS: I want to go to an onsen

18. What do you want to say ‘bye-bye’ to?
YH: Injuries
CM: Cold/Flu
JJ: Muscle training
YC: Troubles
JS: Everything sad

19. You see a shooting star. What will you wish for?
YH: That time will fly faster. I want to be 30
CM: That my family will be healthy
JJ: That THSK will be a band that receives more love
YC: Happiness
JS: I want to win the lottery

20. A recent lie you told?
YH: None
CM: I didn’t lie
JJ: None
YC: Saying I wasn’t sick *:S
JS: I can’t remember

21. What left the deepest impression on you in Japan?
YH: Eating at a restaurant with a pretty night view near the Tokyo Tower
CM: Budokan live
JJ: Appearing on [Kouhaku]
YC: Budokan live
JS: Budokan live

22. Your favourite Japanese food
YH: Motsunabe
CM: Ramen
JJ: Udon
YC: Ramen
JS: Natto

23. What food would you recommend that has kimchi in it?
YH: Tuna Kimchi rice
CM: Kimchi fried rice
JJ: Kimchi jjigae
YC: Kimchi jjigae (T/N: Kimchi stew)
JS: Kimchi fried rice

24. Your ‘enemy’ is?
YH: Myself
CM: Junsu *LOL!!!
JJ: Myself
YC: Supper
JS: Changmin *LOL x2!

25. What hair style would you like to try next?
YH: Permed hair
CM: Please give me Jude Law’s hairstyle
JJ: Blue hair
YC: Long and permed hair *Hmm... I thought you had that?
JS: Bald *Whoa... hold it right there Su! >.<>.<>


// sealed with a kiss :)

All About Me

My name is FVP
i wont tell you bout my real name.
You can call me Xiao Wen or Wen Wen as my Chinese Name
And my korean name is Yoon Ae Ri
I was born at Jakarta, Indonesia on February 12, 1993
I was an ordinary girl that love something that so unordinary
I loves music so much, coz music means a lot for my life. I can't survive without music
I loves TVXQ so much ,,so sensitive when im hear something that -TVXQ-
I loves SUJU, SHINEe, Wonder Girls,Cassiopeia , Kingdom Heart and you :D

Try your best to reach out your dreams
It will be comes true


yo..TVXQ !!
MJ only !! (x
NOT 10 Minutes
WHo wIll i Be ??
so sory oppa.. but thankx !

January 2009

My Heart(:

- Riplay
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